About Us

At Common Connect, we believe that your network surrounds you, and the power of connection lies in your hands. Our platform is designed to help you connect with people based on shared interests, careers, and proximity, enabling you to expand your network in both personal and professional spheres.

With Common Connect, you can customize your job titles of interest and connect with professionals from every industry or profession.

Whether you’re looking to meet someone new at your local coffee shop or connect with a colleague on your work commute, Common Connect makes it easy to discover and engage with the people who matter most.

Our platform facilitates instant conversations and meetups, allowing you to add friends and connect with individuals who share similar interests personally and professionally.

Whether you’re seeking networking opportunities, career advice, or simply looking to converse on related industries, Common Connect provides a seamless platform for social engagement and professional networking.

At Common Connect, we prioritize your privacy and control. You can set preferences for how often and how far you’d like to be reached, as well as customize your visibility and public profile.

With easy customization options, you can tailor your experience to suit your current daily needs or purpose.

One of the exciting new features we’re introducing is our blog, aimed at helping our audience navigate the world of social media usage.

Whether you’re looking for tips on optimizing your Instagram strategy or insights into LinkedIn networking, our blog will provide valuable resources to enhance your online presence and professional connections.

Meet the team behind Common Connect:

  • Miram Ebrahim, CEO & Founder: With a background in Sales and Marketing, Miram’s passion for tech led her to create Common Connect, aiming to disrupt the way professionals network and solve the problem of missed opportunities.
  • Ramey Ebrahim, COO & Co-Founder: With a Masters in Marketing, Ramey is dedicated to presenting an easier digital solution for cultivating personal and professional networks, recognizing the importance of networking in career advancement.
  • Arnell Milhouse, CTO & Co-Founder: A recognized serial entrepreneur and software developer, Arnell believes that Common Connect is the future of professional networking, combining innovation with a passion for health and fitness.
  • Clifton Choiniere, Lead Software Developer: A Senior Software Developer and Engineer, Clifton brings his expertise in programming languages and full-stack development to the Common Connect team, alongside his love for Anime and rip-sticking adventures.

At Common Connect, we’re committed to revolutionizing the way professionals connect and network. Join us on this journey to expand your network, unlock new opportunities, and cultivate meaningful personal and professional relationships.

Ready to take the next step? Connect with us today and discover the power of Common Connect.